“We live in an age of impatience and self-centeredness. Anything other than instant gratification easily leaves us frustrated, angry, and...
“God and man looked at one another when Christ revealed Himself in truth to men…Through Christ we see as in a mirror the spotless and...
“Have we been living reactively or proactively? Each one has profound ramifications for our emotional, spiritual, and physical health....
Spiritual Blindness and Deafness
“There are both different degrees of blindness as well as different kinds of blindness. There is physical blindness in which the eyes...
Fellowship (Koinonia)
“Humans were made for fellowship with God: this is the first and primary affirmation in the Christian doctrine of the human person. But...
Truth and Deception
“When God created the heavens and the earth, and all the things that are in them, He gave them being, existence, goodness, and truth....
Spiritual Sight
“ ‘…now my eye sees You” [Job 42:5]: The gift of spiritual knowledge—that is, when we begin to perceive the hidden things of God—is...
Fear of God
“With supernatural authority, Christ our God rebukes the wind and calms the sea (Mark 4:39). He intends to awaken his disciples from...
“We know intuitively that loneliness and being alone are not the same thing. Solitude can be lovely. Crowded parties can be agony. We...
“What are the implications for us of Jesus’ teaching on the heart? First, we may fool ourselves or others, but we can never fool God....