“Who hasn’t experienced that indescribable sweet inner pleasure that our heart feels when we manage, with God’s aid, to help another get...
Drawn Away/Fall Away
“Sensuality and pride…are precisely the qualities that manifested themselves, as we know, in the original sin of the primeval people and...
“Nothing is as difficult as true theology. Simply saying something correct is beside the point. Correctness does not rise to the level of...
“Everything is paradox, and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God… as Grace increases in our lives, we become more like Christ through...
Children of God
“In one sense, all people are “children of God,” because every single human being is created by God in His image. This was also a common...
Awareness (of God's Presence)
“But if we have food and clothing, with these let us be content” (1 Tim. 6:8).8 The Lord is always showering His gifts on us, but often...
“Rather than support a life of prayer our society keeps us perpetually distracted and erodes our ability to concentrate, compromises our...
“… in John 1: 14, “the Greek word for ‘beheld,’ etheasametha, is used [only] of physical sight, and is in the historic tense.… The...
Human Person
“The loss of this participation and the subsequent diminution and corruption of their being is what it means for an angelic being to...
Created Order
“Our roots, our heritage, and our life experiences shape us, for in them, as in every aspect of the created order, the hand of the Lord...