Grace and Life
“A Christian is more than a person who is baptized, goes to church, who keeps some rule...He is someone who has Christ within himself,...
Grief and Grieving
“There is a movement to our grief—a progression that leads to a conclusion. That conclusion is a place of acceptance and peace—acceptance...
Falling Down and Getting Up
“…there’s no reason to be depressed by your shortcomings or discouraged when you fall. Repentance as a lifestyle doesn’t mean that you...
“In the past, people could feel secure within a religious tradition because there was little that ordinarily competed with it. Modernity...
Attention and Distraction
“St. Peter — always the most zealous of the disciples — then made an extremely bold reply: “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on...
Order and Disorder
“And so when God creates the earth, He is designing order, an order that reflects who He is, an order whose internal ways of functioning...
“From a lack of contentment comes death…What we see in the Garden is paradise. A place of intimate and immediate communion with God,...
Quotes of the Day for August 21, 2024 – Thoughts on education and faith “… over the past 100-150 years, humanity has made huge...
“This reduction of the world to information is a common error of the modern period. The world and data-about-the-world are considered to...
“We have within us the beginning of the Divine—the ability to recognize the uncreated God, sensing His presence in our lives and trusting...