Word of God
“In modern Christian discourse, the phrases “the Word of God” and “the Word of the Lord” are commonly used to refer to the Scriptures....
Faith and Love
“Our first encounter with Him is through faith. Faith opens the door of the soul, so that Christ can enter. Faith receives Him, subjects...
Mystery and Symbol
“The Greek word for “mystery” is derived from the sense of stopping the mouth or being silenced. The term implies that a mystery is a...
“The God of love and peace became incarnate in history and, like a glowing landmark, made a clear distinction between pre-Christian...
Contemporary Thinking
“The culture of our own time continues this separation from Christianity, but not only from Christianity. Contemporary culture is losing...
Work/Vocations/Callings (Part 3)
“ ‘Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you,...
“…humanity was created immortal and incorruptible, though not inherently immortal and self-sustaining (only God is so). Humanity is...
Children and Parents
“God is not just Father of the divine Word, but stepfather to all who are baptized. God is not just a friend in Christ, but the...
“Worship is reserved for God alone, but the veneration of the holy things used in worship is natural and right…The…Church worships God...
“Most of us have times when our faith wavers…when we are unsteady in our life in Christ…we cannot have it both ways. We have the choice...