Sacramental Living: Understanding Christianity as a Way of Life, is a podcast series about how to understand and live our Christian faith in the context of real life and real world issues and continually grow closer to God. Brought to you by Ancient Faith Radio, these podcasts, typically 15-20 minutes in length, cover a variety of topics relevant to our everyday life and are ideal listening for your morning commute, other car rides, walks, runs or any other time you are seeking spiritual instruction, education and nourishment.
Live Stream Videos
St. George and the Orthodox Christian Network have partnered to offer adult religious education worldwide. Led by Michael Haldas, Live Adult Religious Education is offered every Sunday from September through May, 11:30-12:30 EST. Each week the class is broadcast live through the Orthodox Christian Network’s Facebook page and reaches thousands globally. The St. George faithful in the classroom participate with people from around the world who send in their comments via Facebook. Video of the classes are archived and can be viewed anytime on OCN's Adult Education Page. The class format is a round-table discussion format and the atmosphere is casual and relaxed so feel free to join and participate. These are not classes on high theology that are intimidating or difficult to understand. They focus on the “down to earth” and practical ways we should understand and live our faith.
Michael Haldas’ lectures, speaking events, and participation in various projects have been captured on YouTube and recorded on DVDs and other media. In conjunction with Orientale Lumen Television, and other organizations, Michael has participated in speaking events and engagements to promote the topic of Sacramental Living and participated in video series regarding ecumenical relations between Christian Churches.