Michael interviewed by Cynthia Damaskos of Holistic Christian Life about Overcoming the Negative Voi
Michael's interview with Cynthia Damaskos the Holistic Christian Life, an organization dedicated to helping people live healthy, well...

Lenten Lecture - "Woundedness and Transformation: Encountering Christ as the Wounded Healer&quo
Spoke at Ss. Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Roseland, New Jersey, Friday evening, March 22. Topic is Woundedness...

Orthodox Christian J. R. R. Tolkien Panel!
JUST ANNOUNCED: A J. R. R. Tolkien panel will be held on Saturday, June 15 at 9am at the Ancient Faith Writing and Podcasting Conference...

"Echoes of Truth: Christianity in the Lord of the Rings" Book signing and Lecture on Novem
I will be speaking and doing a book signing on Saturday, November 17 for my new book. The title of my talk is, Sacramentality in the Lord...

Michael Haldas interviewed for the My Beautiful Advent Seasonal Program
My Beautiful Advent, run by Cynthia Damaskos from Holistic Christian Life, is a program for mind, body and soul that supports people...

Featured on the SciFiFantasynetwork.com “Echoes of Truth: Christianity in The Lord of the Rings” Out
Click here to read the full article.

Michael is interviewed about his new book on From A Certain Point of View podcast show
Hosts of From A Certain Point of View podcast show Ben and Addy were joined by Michael Haldas and Elaina Olga, the author and illustrator...
Check Out Ancient Faith Speakers Near You in Fall 2018
Myself and many other Ancient Faith contributors have various speaking engagements throughout the Fall. See below from their website to...

Latest Podcast and Blog Available - "God is in Control...Really"
Sometimes our lives are in such chaos and darkness it is hard to believe God is in control and is loving us and caring for us. Listen to...

Live Streamed Adult Religious Education for 2018-2019 to begin on September 16!
The Shared Experience of the Orthodox Christian Faith We say our Orthodox Christian faith is formational yet we tend to share and teach...