“Every human being is unique and has unique physical and mental properties. The demons try to find an individual approach to everyone,...
“If we want God to abide in us we have to learn to be patient! The anger which so rapidly arises in us also creates the inner environment...
“…humanity was created immortal and incorruptible, though not inherently immortal and self-sustaining (only God is so). Humanity is...
“To be meek means to be gentle and kind, to be empty of all selfishness and earthly ambition. It means, in a word, never to return evil...
Orientation (To Work and Tasks)
“Christians see the same facts as the non-Christian, in other words, but because of this worldview we see them differently; we see them...
“God is the source of all joy. When we rejoice in anything—our family and friends, our work and hobbies, a beautiful sunset, a moving...
Joy and Happiness - Part 1
“…we have a misleading idea at the very head of our Constitution: the pursuit of happiness. One can not pursue happiness; if he does he...
“...sin is committed in three stages, namely, the suggestion of it, the pleasure experienced, and the consent…Our captivity to sin begins...