“Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us that we will hear all kinds of bad news from around the world, and Christianity may go into decline. Far...
“I am becoming increasingly convinced that in our age of inattention, distraction, and scattered focus, the greatest gift we can offer...
Love and Self-Giving
“The word almsgiving…simply means to give of oneself above and beyond what is due…Someone might ask, what is wrong with having silver or...
Solitude /Stillness /Silence
“Our lives are often filled with tensions and judgments with jealousy and greed – all of which serve to deaden our hearts and make us...
Trials and Temptations
“What is the danger of being astonished when such a trial comes? Let’s go back to the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples....
“The Genesis narrative shows that the relationship between Man and God is not primarily an intellectual one (the contemplative raising of...
“Perhaps a great surprise in Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46) is that God’s judgment of us is not based on the...
Faith and Action
“Saint Paul states that we practice the faith of the apostles when we “have carefully followed my doctrine [and] manner of life” (2...
“The Christian belief about all that exists in creation is that it is good. That the universe exists is itself good and is the work of...
“Sin is not ultimately about breaking rules; rather, it is about erecting false notions of what it means to flourish as a human...