Character and Choices
“All of life’s choices have consequences, consequences for ourselves and consequences for the world around us. And when we fall into the...
“The Church is not merely a refuge from the troubles and sorrow of the world, though it can be that. Its real purpose is to equip us to...
Troubles and Trials
“… when we deal with suffering it can be difficult to understand and convey why things are happening. St. Paul writes of suffering (and...
“There are very few people who come to their senses, very few who understand life. We pray with our lips only, and we hurry through our...
Human Condition
“Whereas the Old Covenant was carved on tablets of stone, the New Covenant is personal – the Son comes as a man to other men, to...
“It is important to note that the first two times Christ inquires of Peter, “Do you love Me?” He uses a form of the word agape, which...
Theosis/Union with God
“Our quest for communion with the everlasting God reorients our vision, directing it toward the eternal destiny of all mankind. We...
“The way of the spiritual life begins where we are now in the mess of our lives. Accepting the reality of our broken, flawed lives is the...
“Have you ever gotten out of your fitness routine – skipped a workout or two and ate some junk food you don’t normally eat. Before you...
Work/Vocations/Callings (Part 2)
“An activity that is based on the frenzies and impulsions of human ambition is a delusion and an obstacle to grace. It gets in the way of...