Passing Judgment
“Saint Paul reveals several ways in which we fall into the trap of judging, beyond directly expressing our opinion of others. Clearly,...
Prayer and the Spirit of God
“Prayer is constant communication with the Source of your life. Prayer is like the strings supporting the marionette. When you develop...
“A brother asked one of the elders: What good thing shall I do, and have life thereby? The old man replied: God alone knows what is good....
“The New Testament is not the historical unfolding of the historical Old Testament. It is the revelation in this world of that which was...
Kingdom of God/Heaven
“The mystery of the Kingdom of God is made known to a heart that asks, that seeks, that knocks. It is a heart that has returned to the...
Holy Spirit
“Because the early Church treated the entire period from Pascha-Ascension-Pentecost as one 50 day feast, they did not separate the...
“Do you wish to learn the opportune time for seeking the Lord? Let me briefly state that your entire life is the only time to carry this...
Fire (Divine and Spiritual Fire)
“There is within every human person gold and silver and mud and dross. Life in this age has been given to us for repentance and the...
Joy and Happiness - Part 2
“Hidden under that English translation blessed is the Greek word makarios. This is not the usual word, evlogitos, which literally means...
Spiritual Capital
“Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Minas stands at the heart of today’s Gospel passage. The parable points ahead to the time of our Lord’s return...