“So then, when we ask about whether there is a God in this sense, we are not asking whether there is some specific superhuman entity that...
Fruitful vs Fruitless
“Good people do not keep Christ's word written on paper, for paper is external to man and can be lost. Neither do they only keep it in...
Body and Soul/Spiritual and Physical
“Of all the gifts of God, one of the most precious and yet neglected and mistreated is the body. Yet in our reading of 1 Corinthians...
“From the beginning, Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God declared war on the devil and on hypocrisy….Christ declared open war against...
Spiritual Pride
“‘When I lived in the outside world, I was preparing to become a monk. I kept the fasts strictly. Every day I made at least a thousand...
“It is not that talking is evil or that it necessarily cheapens the truth. After all, if God himself communicates and does so in human...
“The God of love and peace became incarnate in history and, like a glowing landmark, made a clear distinction between pre-Christian...
“The purpose of reading the Scriptures is to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit, to grow in our relationship to God, to commune with...
Judgment (and Grace)
“As the Gospel makes clear, with the statement do not judge Jesus had in mind making a judgment that caused one to cut oneself off from...
Jesus and Judas
“Jesus clearly knew that Judas felt no kindness or wise consideration for his master. He also knew that Judas was full of devilishly...