Thoughts (Battling Them)
“…we should not expect to experience anything but struggle in this life. Actually, I have accepted this for myself and it has made the...
Fruitful vs Fruitless
“Good people do not keep Christ's word written on paper, for paper is external to man and can be lost. Neither do they only keep it in...
Spiritual Blindness and Deafness
“There are both different degrees of blindness as well as different kinds of blindness. There is physical blindness in which the eyes...
“Freedom is an essential characteristic of the Christian life Christ promised that the truth would set us free…The experience of freedom...
“God writes upon our hearts the knowledge of His will… Our hearts must yearn for the things of God. The hunger to do His will is the...
Joy and Happiness - Part 1
“…we have a misleading idea at the very head of our Constitution: the pursuit of happiness. One can not pursue happiness; if he does he...
“People who have the sort of mind that sees only one side to every question tend towards vigorous action. They succeed in everything they...
“We need to have perseverance in our petitions before God.” (Orthodox Study Bible, John 2:3-5) “When bad thoughts surround us like a...
Spiritual Perception/Warfare/Experiences
“The life of a believer is not one of ease but a constant spiritual battle.” (Foundation Study Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:4) “…there is a...