Stillness (Hesychia)
“The person needs solitude as much as, if not more than, relationships to develop and blossom. This is borne out by the experience of...
Attention and Distraction
“St. Peter — always the most zealous of the disciples — then made an extremely bold reply: “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on...
Time Management
“We speak about our mindset and disposition towards our lives in this world. When we are living in a proactive spirit or disposition, we...
Fruitful vs Fruitless
“Good people do not keep Christ's word written on paper, for paper is external to man and can be lost. Neither do they only keep it in...
Humility and Pride
“According to the holy fathers, pride is the root and cause of all sinful passions. It is totally destructive for a person’s spiritual...
“In chapter 3 of Genesis, the tragic moments of what we call the Fall are described. People ‘rebelled’ and sought to become gods...
Knowing God
“Perhaps the most salient aspect of the sacramental life is something that has almost been forgotten within contemporary...
“Christ has come according to the power given Him from the Almighty Father, and has summoned people to friendship, blessing, repentance,...
“Most of us do not think we are in a constant battle. Most of us, rightly so, recognize the ugliness of evil when we see it on full...
“Speed, instant access, and just-in-time are the touchstones of the new media and connected man; and speeding up each task along with...