God's Will vs Self Will
“Doing God’s will is easier said than done, for many factors enter into our lives which weaken our resolve to do His will. One only has...
“Oftentimes, our most painful experiences come from times when we sought to love and be loved. Nearly always, the most difficult people...
“Expressing gratitude serves to call your attention to the good things in your life. Almost everyone has both positive and negative...
“How greatly almsgiving contributes to prayer. If you want to pray you have to become a generous person. Generous in the whole meaning of...
“…secularity is the negation, the evacuation from life, of the experience of the world as sacred reality, as “participant” in divine...
Loving God and Loving Others
“In the heart that knows nothing but love, there is no distinction between the love of God and the love of neighbor. The Apostle writes...
Suffering (Sharing in Others Suffering)
“The godly suffer, in part, so that having experienced God's comfort they in turn can comfort others. Thus, Paul shows the fallacy in his...