God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
Looking Backwards/Looking to the Past
“Ultimately, none of us are defined by our past, but rather we are defined by what we become in Christ. This is why we can declare...
Good and Evil
“A false Eden represents a significant theme in the Scriptures—the attempt by human beings to make for themselves that which God had...
“Although it is not readily apparent, we experience disappointments and hardships first as shame. It is only after the experience of...
God's Will vs Self Will
“Doing God’s will is easier said than done, for many factors enter into our lives which weaken our resolve to do His will. One only has...
Community, Individualism and How to Live
“To be a father means to have a child, and at the same time, to be a son means to have a father. Each term needs the other to have...
Work/Vocations/Callings (Part 3)
“ ‘Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you,...
Attention (Seeking It)
“…the Body of Christ is composed of many members. Like the parts of the body, these members serve different functions. And, in fact, as...
Faith, Trust, and Belief
“When we separate faith from everything else, we make it into belief. It becomes the assent to the truth of something that cannot be...
Stewardship and Serving
“The steward of God actively practices virtue and lives quietly and devoutly as God instructs him through holy tradition. By following...