Sir Gawain, the Green Knight, and the Grail
On the holiest day of winter, when the sky was cold and gray; Sir Gawain mounted Gringolet, and rode out on Christmas Day. With a shield...
Hell (Hatred and Disdain)
“We observe how the Lord often focuses attention on our disdain for one another. We encounter this common attitude in ourselves every...
Fear (and Conflict)
“…we were troubled on every side. Outside were conflicts, inside were fears (2 Corinthians 7:5). In this passage St. Paul captures what...
“The ideas that constitute “modernity” center around life as management. Modernity assumes that life can be managed, and that human...
Conflict (Inner)
“Yet here [striving to do God’s will] is precisely where the conflict is great. What gives our inner conflicts their power over us? We...
Heart (Losing Heart)
“ ‘Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart’ (2 Corinthians 4:1). In the face of...
“This passage holds great hope for the Christian ministry. “Who is sufficient for these things?” (2 Corinthians 2:16) — the one who...
Pain and Love
“All of us have known moments during which close kin or wonderful friends have suffered a grievous loss. Our instinct is to go to them,...
Love (Abundant)
“The God revealed in the Bible has endowed creation with overflowing beauty. This God is not characterized by utility but by abundant...
Suffering (Sharing in Others Suffering)
“The godly suffer, in part, so that having experienced God's comfort they in turn can comfort others. Thus, Paul shows the fallacy in his...