Spiritual Capital
“Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Minas stands at the heart of today’s Gospel passage. The parable points ahead to the time of our Lord’s return...
“When we seek the Lord, our heart begins to burn. The heart is warmed, and if our thoughts are concentrated in one point and the...
“It is unnatural and unhealthy to live in a state of fracture or conflict with another, we must always strive to resolve the wound. When...
Quotes of the Day for November 17, 2020 – Thoughts on the importance of mutual support, love, and submission “…let each one examine his...
Poor (Poverty)
“ ‘Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are...
Our Thoughts (and Actions) Determine Our Lives
On Thursday, November at 7 pm, Michael will deliver a Zoom class to the St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral Community. Thursday's class, Our...
Quotes of the Day for November 13, 2020 – Thoughts on if we have the guts “Contemporary science is starting to catch up to this ancient...
Stewardship and Serving
“The steward of God actively practices virtue and lives quietly and devoutly as God instructs him through holy tradition. By following...
“St. Paul identifies Christ as the “Wisdom of God,” and the “Power of God” (1 Cor. 1:24). And in doing so, specifically links this with...
“Although it is certain that everything that exists or happens in this world is ordered by God’s providence, nevertheless certain things...