“While we yet live, we retain the ability to leave footprints. Whether we are married or unmarried, single or divorced, whether we live alone or with others, we can reach out to those around us. We can speak words of comfort to those in need; we can support a child through charitable agencies; we can cultivate friendship; we can learn the names of those asking for spare change as we put the money into their hand and ask them to pray for us in return. Ultimately, of course, it is not about how many people remember us after we are gone, but whether God remembers us, making our memory to be eternal in His Kingdom. But God asks us even now to reach out to others, and give ourselves according to ability and opportunity to the people He puts across our path and in our life. There are many opportunities; we walk through soft sand. In such sand, we can, if we choose, leave many footprints.” (Fr. Lawrence Farley)
“Our early forefathers and mothers understood that in transmitting the Good news of the Gospel they were in fact communicating an inspired life-style that transforms a life of emptiness and boredom into a life of high purpose and fulfillment. Those heroes of faith have left a timeless footprint and are still leading us today to a life of joyous fulfillment and peace and hope that surpasses all human understanding.” (Fr. James C. Moulketis)
“…we are told to 'follow' Him. To follow Him throughout each and every day of our lives. To find His tremendous footprints and to implant our simple footprints in His, every step of the way. In following Him we become like a soldier in an army that is led by the greatest leader of all time. Our identity becomes etched in Christ's name as we walk together towards Him. By denying ourselves in this world and picking up our cross we can heed Christ's call for us to His Kingdom. Though at times, the cross and the Christian life may seem burdensome, the end result is eternal!” (Andrew Georganas)
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts – and we are never, ever the same.” (Flavia Weedn)
“We gathered inside the Chapel of Ascension on the Mount of Olives. Inside the small, circular chapel is a slab of stone that faith tradition says has the footprint of Jesus’ last step on earth. Some people knelt beside the footprint and kissed it, some lit candles; our group stood around it. I looked down at a small dent in the stone and imagined the story that I’ve been told since I was young…Christ’s ascension is beautiful, but the power didn’t stop two thousand years ago. The footprint at the Chapel of Ascension is amazing, but the feet that gather around it are just as incredible. His work continues, and His spirit lives inside you and me. His church, His body, His bride continues to point people towards the hope of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. May you experience the power, fullness, and glorious light as you are His witnesses “to the ends of the earth.” (Marta Vander Top)