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“The truth is that the only things we can really know about God are the things He has chosen to reveal to us in one way or another. We can discern things about God from observing what he created. When we see the world around us, we see vastness, complexity, power, order, beauty, creativity, precision, and majesty. And all of these words say something about the Creator. We can also, of course, understand God in spiritual ways as we pray and meditate on his Word and seek his company daily. But the most specific things we can learn about God come from those things He has chosen to reveal directly to us through the story of Scripture.” (Richard Stearns)

"Biblical meditation does not empty the mind of rational thought. By contrast, consider"mantra meditation,” one version of which was the popular Transcendental Meditation (or TM). In TM, participants repeat a word or phrase that first blots out other thoughts and then loses its own meaning...Christian meditation, however, is quite rational, even argumentative....Christian meditation...stimulates our analysis and reflection—and centers it on the glory and grace of God.” (Pastor Timothy Keller)

“Meditation on the Bible is more than just intense thinking...Meditation is likened to tree roots taking in water. That means not merely knowing a truth but taking it inside and making it part of yourself. Meditation is spiritually"tasting” the Scripture—delighting in it, sensing the sweetness of the teaching, feeling the conviction of what it tells us about ourselves, and thanking God and praising God for what it shows us about Him.” (Pastor Timothy Keller)

"The Lord speaks to us through the Scriptures and in our prayer. Let us learn to keep silence before Him, as we meditate upon the Gospel.” (Pope Francis)

“Depression is one of the most common emotional ailments. One antidote for depression is to meditate on the record of God’s goodness to His people. This will take your mind off the present situation and give hope that it will improve. It will focus your thoughts on God’s ability to help you rather than on your inability to help yourself.” (Life Application Study Bible, Psalms 42:5-6)

Quote of the Day


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