“It can be tempting to think that not much can be expected spiritually of people like us who live in the world with our families, occupations, and mundane responsibilities. God calls some to become monks and nuns, whose prayers and examples strengthen us all. No less than them, however, the Lord calls each of us to find healing for our souls and become shining epiphanies of His salvation in our darkened world. No matter how paralyzed we may feel by our passions or any of the broken circumstances of our lives, Christ commands each of us to “rise, take up your pallet, and go home.” (Fr. Philip LeMasters)
“The most ‘mundane’ acts – feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, providing clothes or a home, helping a stranger, being a good neighbor to those around you – God blesses as participating in His love. We are not required to do great miracles – the path to the kingdom is accessible to everyone. We don’t even need to experience mystical spirituality, for God acts in us through our neighborly and kindly acts. All we need is to have a heart and eyes that are open to seeing the needs of others, and providing for them when we have the resources and opportunities.” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)
“A soul receives either blessings or penalties and punishment according to its inner activities. If it concerns itself with things divine and tills the ground of humility, tears fall like rain from heaven, and it cultivates love of God, faith and compassion for others . . . attracting [others’] attention with the rays of its virtue . . . . But if the soul devotes itself to the mundane and merely human matters, stirring and agitating the fetid waters of sin, it nourishes hatred and repels what is good and beautiful…The exact connotation of the word mundane is: a lack of direct connection with God. In today’s information technology (IT) world much can be found that not only disconnects us from God, but also actively fosters the disconnection. When this happens…the “good and beautiful” are repelled and loss of compassion for others is a major consequence.” (Fr. Nikitas Stithatos, Fr. George Morelli)
“The mundane and ordinary can be just that, or we can recognize them for what they are - the simple aspects of life to draw us closer to God and each other. Christ did not teach through fantastic grandiose stories; He taught through parables involving aspects of familiar daily life… we always have an opportunity to rediscover the extraordinariness of sunshine, fresh air, walks, good books, the people we live with, the people we miss, and most importantly, prayer and the God we neglect due to busyness… “ (Sacramental Living Ministries)
“What transforms the mundane into the mystical is the offering by mankind and the sanctification by God in response.” (Right Reverend Bishop Thomas (Joseph), Ed.D.)
#FrPhilipLeMasters #FrTedBobosh #FrNikitasStithatos #FrGeorgeMorelli #RightReverendBishopThomasJosephEdD