“God gives us time, gifts, and other resources according to our abilities, and He expects us to invest them wisely until He returns. We are responsible to use well what God has given us. The issue is not how much we have but how well we use what we have…What people consider valuable is where their energy will be spent. Knowing God and investing in His purposes should be the treasure we seek.” (Life Application Study Bible, Matthew 25:15, Foundation Study Bible, Luke 12:34)
“Is it worth it, to invest time and energy in spiritual life, improving my conscious contact with God in prayer, contemplation, fasting, liturgy, self-examination, self-giving, and/ or whatever other tools are available to me? It is perhaps easier to be motivated toward material goals, like going on a diet and jogging daily to be physically fit; or working hard at my job to make more money and attain more financial “security…As Christ our God says, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Lk 16:13). It all comes down to where we invest our hearts. What do we make our top priority, day in and day out? What really counts for us, in our heart of hearts?” (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin, OCPM 11/1/2015)
“…I often hear people say ‘I don’t have to go to Church. I don’t get anything out of it.’ It’s as if they are putting an investment of their time without any return. But just as a wise financial investor doesn’t just let deposits sit there, but rather constantly reworks his portfolio to yield the greatest increase, so too the spiritual person can’t just invest an hour or less each week and expect to yield much fruit….He [Christ] fills with life those who bear fruit for Him – and withdraws life from those who fail to bear Him fruit...He gives life to those who seek Him and He withdraws life from us only if we turn away, investing in our own thriving businesses and thus failing to bear Him fruit.” (Marianne C. Sailus, Dynamis 8/8/2014)
“We invest our energy in keeping life the way it is. We resist growth. We become reactors rather than making things happen. We stay in the holes of our discouragement. When we don’t risk stepping out, we risk missing the life-abundant changes God has in store for us…People who invest much or most of their energy into the goals of personal achievement and happiness are the most vulnerable to the adverse circumstances of life…To gain the kingdom requires our total investment in the great prize.” (H. Norman Wright, Robert A. Emmons, Dynamis 7/17/2020)
“Make your relationship with God your top priority… Intimacy with God is no different than building intimacy with another person. You have to invest yourself. You must first truly desire this kind of relationship with Him, and that desire builds as you come to know Him. After desire comes investment—an investment of priorities, time, and sacrifice. You have to so prioritize this intimate relationship so that it gets your best efforts, your time, and your focus. Just like any relationship, you have to work at it…Christian living depends on our relationship with Jesus. Do we invest ourselves in Christ? Do we maintain our relationship with Him and place Him before all others? If so, we live unto Christ.” (Father Barnabas Powell, Dynamis 4/12/2014)