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“Our reading [Romans 6:18-23] presents a different understanding of freedom than the view of our society. This contrasting perspective distinguishes between “freedom from” and “freedom to.” Our society’s view of freedom stresses “freedom from” restraint. In that release from bondage, we are free to make unrestricted choices. However, whenever we make a choice, we bind ourselves to its course of action and its consequences. We cannot be all and have it all. To choose one thing is to reject other things. We may have freedom from external forces at the moment we make a choice. But then we are bound to what we choose. Conversely, if we do not choose, we are captive to our indecision.” (Fr. Basil)

“When, however, we begin to become aware of the thoughts’ power and their activity, we must not grow despondent. A prerequisite for spiritual healing is a right perception of our illness, and inasmuch as we are held captive by uncontrolled thoughts, we are spiritually ill.” (Bishop Irenei Steenberg)

“…we do things that we aren’t really aware we are doing. We just do what seems right, and we learn the impact of it later. In 2 Corinthians, St. Paul tells us to “take every thought captive” (2 Cor. 10:5, RSV). If we don’t, every thought might take us captive. We are often unaware of the thoughts that run through our mind. We have about four thousand distinct thoughts every day…Generally, if a thought disturbs your inner peace, then it isn’t from the Lord. Ultimately, it’s a matter of asking the Holy Spirit’s help to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, as Paul talked about in Second Corinthians Ten. It’s not a battle you can fight on your own, but something you need to constantly look to the Holy Spirit to help you with.” (Albert S. Rossi, PhD, Robin Phillips)

“Instead of being captive to our self-centered desires and the proud illusions fueled by the corruptions of our culture, we must orient ourselves to the Kingdom of a Lord Who reigns through His Cross and empty tomb. That certainly does not mean that all our problems will disappear or that we will get all that we want in this life on our own terms. It does not mean that at all, as the lives of the saints so clearly demonstrate. It does mean, however, that even our most difficult and painful struggles present opportunities to grow in making Christ the very foundation of our life as we find liberation from slavery to our passions and become more like Him in holiness.” (Fr. Philip LeMasters)

“Christ came to earth so that we humans may have our true nature restored. He wants to return to us the dignity that was lost by Adam and Eve. If you are happy living like a mere creature, you will never find the door Christ refers to, because you will probably die without ever realizing such a door exists within you. Even more than restoring the nobility of Adam, the Lord Jesus brings to you the grace that comes with the Holy Spirit. It is a special gift of love that He offers freely. He comes to us in our prison of darkness, the worst kind of darkness, which we aren’t aware we are held captive, and He leads us through the passage towards life and light. He doesn’t just point us the way; He has gone ahead of us, inviting us to follow Him. By passing through that portal of true life one can realize the glorious freedom of soul, liberation from evil thoughts and worthless goals, roaming endlessly in a lifetime of dead ends and frustration, aware of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in communion with Jesus Christ, feeling the love of the heavenly Father.” (Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky)


Quote of the Day


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